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Realistically, most people don’t have the ability to just up and quit there job to be a homemaker. There are a few that are lucky enough to do so and that is wonderful. But, for most of us it’s not really possible. Here are the steps I took to become full time homemaker.
1. Talk It Over
Being a military family we are constantly dealing with changing plans. You always have to be prepared for last minute vacations or deployments. You also never know where you will be moving to next…or when. We made the decision to make the transition to me being a full time homemaker when we moved to England. We saw it as the perfect opportunity.
This allowed us to travel (if our budget allowed) and it was the perfect time to make the jump. Because we were moving we were able to cut costs and live in a cheaper home that would work with just one income. It was difficult at first to have only one car and the one income but in the end it worked out.
You have to discuss be life changes like this with your partner because they have to have the same mindset. You may want to stay home but if your partner doesn’t see the same benefits or agree that this is the best move for your family then it will just cause more conflict.
Discuss it in length, it’s always best.
2. Get A Financial Grip
![calculator and notepad placed over stack of usa dollars](https://i0.wp.com/paypierce.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/pexels-photo-4386373.jpeg?resize=1100%2C733&ssl=1)
If you already have a budget put together then that’s saving you a step, and if you don’t, you really need to. Most people don’t really factor in all the things they are actually spending their money on in a given month. Think about all those times you get your nails done, go out with the girls, eat out, or even all those amazon packages that are coming to the house. All those things add up and until you can really see where all your dollars and cents are going you won’t know if you walking away from your job will be applicable for you and your family.
This is super important! You can not continue to live and spend like you do (for most families) on just one income. So you need to be very aware of your financial situation.
Here is a post about 5 EASY ways you can save money
3. State Roles
This is something that I don’t think some people really think about. I know for us when we decided that I stay home full time this was something we talked about in length. Each household will look different and your spouse may end up being better at the finances than you. So just make sure that you both agree on what the expectations are for each of you before going into it.
This is also a great way to avoid any conflict. When one partner is working and the other is “just staying at home all day” it can create some serious tension. That’s why I truly believe it’s best that you both discuss what each will be taking care of and responsible for.