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It’s definitely not always east getting motivated to clean your house and that’s exactly why I’ve decided to go ahead and share 5 of my favorite ways to spark that much needed motivaton so I get off my butt and get going.
I (like so many others) have my days where I absolutely loth cleaning. And yet, I LOVE a clean home. I mean really…is there anything better? So you could say that this can lead to a bit of a problem if I can’t figure out a way to get my life together.
So in the event I run into a “I’m feeling like I don’t want to get out of bed let alone clean the bathroom” kind of day, here are a few things that I do to get myself motivated to tackle my list.
1. Distractions
![woman holding a white headphones](https://i0.wp.com/paypierce.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/pexels-photo-3756939.jpeg?resize=868%2C1300&ssl=1)
When I’m dreading the cleaning list I find that anything to take my mind off of it.
I will do anything from watch Shrek for the millionth time, to listening to one of my favorite podcasts. No matter, find something you can listen to that will make you forget (if only for a moment) about the task at hand.
Just be sure you don’t stop what you’re doing altogether.
So find something to take your mind off of it, but not something so distracting you lose focus.
2. Timers
Okay so this is absolutely genius!
I know that I can do anything for ten minutes.
Well maybe not burpees, but you get the idea.
But I heard of this amazing idea of a “Power Hour”. Now this is something I’ve heard of in a business setting, but never really thought about implementing in my cleaning. Well not until I heard it from a YouTuber. StyleMomXO – Go check her out.
The idea of a Power Hour is just that. You make a list of all the things you need to do. Sometimes this list can feel completely unattainable and sometimes it really is. But, the idea is to make the list anyways! THEN, set a timer for 60 minutes.
As soon as you start your timer you’re to take off tackling that list and your goal is to get as much of the list done as possible in just that one hour.
This is great for a few things.
- It tricks your lazy brain into productivity. Knowing that you only have to “work” for one hour seems attainable and it is.
- It turns a FULL days worth of cleaning into only an hour. We don’t realize how quickly we can tackle a single task until we use this method. Then you’ll be wondering how in the world you went your entire life without doing this!
- It’s fun for you and the family. Cleaning isn’t everyones favorite task and that’s okay. BUT, by racing the clock it makes cleaning more of a game and lets be completely honest…sometimes we all need that!
Which brings me to point number 3.
3. YouTube
A few years ago now I stumbled upon a cleaning YouTube video.
I know that’s like the weirdest thing ever but it’s kind of like those power washing videos you see…oddly satisfying.
Not only are these things SUPER satisfying, but its hard not to get motivated by someone else cleaning their home. All the while, you sit on your butt thinking about, or worse, looking at the mess in yours.
(Insert me raising my hand) Guilty.
If I’m being totally honest, usually by this point watching them is all the cleaning motivation I need!
Here are a few more channels I recommend!
Ashley | Megan | Brianna | Lynn
*** I will say watching other people clean their completely messy house also makes me feel better about the craziness happening in mine. We all have messy houses and it’s important to remember no one is perfect!
4. Start Small
Sometimes this is the best course of action. It’s like you just need to start somewhere but you’re not even sure where that is.
For me I always start with the simple task of making my bed. Followed by organizing my bed side table, because when your bed is made having a messy side table looks blah. That’s usually all it takes for me to get my butt in gear.
Or maybe you just put all the clean dishes away from the night before and start a load of laundry. Whatever small task you feel like you can tackle, start there.
Repeat this process in every room if you need. Don’t look at the entire house that needs cleaned in the moment and overwhelm yourself. Look at the single room and start small there. This will allow you to work around each room and get every task done without losing motivation.
5. Schedules
![person holding white stylus](https://i0.wp.com/paypierce.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/pexels-photo-768472.jpeg?resize=1100%2C825&ssl=1)
I was the person that would wait until Sunday to do ALL of my cleaning.
Can you relate?
I stumbled upon cleaning schedules that other people used and decided to adapt what I found to meet my needs. What a game changer! The idea is to do small tasks every single day, then break up the larger tasks during the week. So for example, maybe on Tuesdays you clean the bathrooms and come Friday you work in the kitchen. While every day you vacuum your living room.
The idea is to eliminate spending your entire weekend cleaning, and instead spend 15 minutes each day during the week. Allowing you to spend your weekends doing the things you want to. Did I mention the up side? You never have to worry about people randomly showing up to your house because it’s always tidy!
You can read all about my morning cleaning routine here & my evening cleaning routine here.
Basically, if these things can’t help you achieve the cleaning motivation you need, I’m thinking nothing will. Well maybe that’s not true, but I do think that one of these bad boys will help you!
If you’ve found something else that works for you PLEASE share with me in the comments!