![DIY Cleaner Cleaning Products](https://i0.wp.com/paypierce.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/daiga-ellaby-uooMllXe6gE-unsplash.jpg?resize=640%2C960&ssl=1)
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Today, I’m sharing 5 things you should probably clean today because they’re things that are all too often over looked or forgotten about completely!
I live for a clean home but if I’m being honest I too forget to do some of these things. So since I’m tackling them today I figured I would share so you too can get these cleaning projects done.
There’s nothing more satisfying then watching something go from gross to gorgeous!
1. House Air Filters/vents
Air filters are super important because they literally filter the air that you and your family breathe.
Vents are just as important because they are pushing the air through your home. 90% of people don’t clean these and they are riddled with dust and that’s again being pushed through the air you breathe.
You should also, change your air filters regularly. Sometimes it’s the things that we can’t see every day that go without and this is widely neglected.
2. Oven Hood
![Kitchen Clean Kitchen](https://i0.wp.com/paypierce.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/roam-in-color-AwOG1tC5buE-unsplash.jpg?resize=640%2C427&ssl=1)
This I think is commonly overlooked. Heck I forget to do it sometimes.
Truthfully theses things build up with all the gross from cooking along with all the dust that the rest of your house collects. Trust me, when you clean this today you’re going to feel so much better!
3. Inside your Stove
This is something I’m sure you have heard of but not something you regularly do…and that’s okay! But, you really should keep up on it if you can.
A lot of stoves have the self cleaning feature and that can definitely help but don’t be afraid to get in there and use a little elbow grease!
4. Your Refrigerator
![Kitchen Clean Kitchen](https://i0.wp.com/paypierce.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/sidekix-media-VaGdhK-kI1c-unsplash.jpg?resize=640%2C427&ssl=1)
Of course you need to wash down the handles and along the entire outside of the thing. But, when was the last time you were in there and pulled everything out to scrub those shelves and drawers?!
Things leak, accidentally spills happen and like everything else things over time just get gross. So my guess is it’s been awhile since you last scrub your Refrigerator.
5. Your Washing Machine
Take it one step further and while you’re cleaning it out throw out all that expired food and reorganize. Have yourself a Pinterest if even for only an hour before the kids get home.
Yep, the washing machine.
I think it’s one of those things that because there is constantly soap going into the darn thing we assume it’s clean. WRONG! It like everything else needs washed down.
There are these pods that you can use and and if you’re looking to really get in there you can actually break it down and give it a good clean. My washer actually says it needs a clean after 30 cycles. Soooooo that’s about twice a month in my house. Which isn’t too bad considering.
Give this bad boy a clean so you know there isn’t any nasty left behind for your clothes. And if you’ve never washed your washer…I think we both don’t want to know what filth is hiding.
If all these off the wall cleaning projects has you motivated head over here to check out my morning cleaning routine or here for what I do in the evenings. Both will help you stay on top of the house and have your home feeling ready for guests every single day.